Mar 29, 2010

Full Moon and Overflowing Energy

Watching the moon rise tonight was wonderful. She was huge, cresting over a hill in the East, and the heavy winds sent clouds streaking across her face like spirits.

My energy is scattered though. Some balancing work is definitely in order. I can't sit still, or get to bed, or spend too much time one on thing before becoming distracted. My blog background has been changed 30 times, and I've re-arranged my place, and fussed over silly things. I don't usually look forward to the waning phase, but some dispersal of this energy will be good, I think!

I hope you enjoy the moon tonight in all her full glory. Sending out my excess energy to you all, to aid in your intentions and wishes. I sure have enough to go around!


Mar 26, 2010

Remembering Abundance

Would that you might pray also in the fullness of your joy and the days of your abundance. -Kahlil Gibran

Going through photos for the game of "tag" I came across the ones from our trip to the fruit stands for pumpkins last Autumn.

I love these photos - any photos, really - of Fall, and the harvest. I should print a few out to post on my fridge. They can serve to remind me of the abundance that comes each year, to those who wait so patiently (or less patiently, in my case) for the garden to give up it's bounty.

It's hard to remember that feeling of abundance, when we are on the cusp of blossoming. Every day I'm looking for new signs of life. I'm planting seeds with whispered prayers for good roots and fruitful growth. I'm brushing away the brown leaves, looking for green shoots. It's easy to forget in my searching, that in six short months, the storehouses will be full again.

I'm a firm believer in "living in the now" and experiencing each season as it comes, but there really is something to be said for being able to soak up that feeling of Autumn's abundance now and then.

Mar 24, 2010

Photo Tag

I am sorely behind in this game, and have been tagged four times by wonderful bloggers. So I opened, not just the first photo file, but four, and counted 10 photos down, and this is what you get:

For Kat, at Antics of a Tameran Witch:

Drummers and a flute player in Mexico at Xel-Ha. A fantastic sound that could be heard far into the park and over the water. Dusk was setting, and it had been a great day. I was so engrossed in the drums, I almost missed my bus!

For X, at Bogaman's Blog:

My first ripe tomato in my garden last year. I am always so damn excited when the tomatoes ripen! I suppose I could learn to make fried green tomatoes, but I'd rather eat a ripe one, with some sea salt and oregano!

For One Pink Fish at Perfectly Pagan:

A pic of my brother and father starting a campfire after a rather miserable time trying to find an Xmas tree in '08. We finally broke down and all went into town and bought trees for our homes! (After roasting hot dogs and marshmellows.) Too much snow and ice that year!

And for Leathra, at Confessions of a Crafty Witch:

Dexter and Daisy "hiding" in an empty Halloween candy box. My story is that I had just finished making the goody bags for the little creatures on Halloween night, but for all I remember, I may have eaten this box myself...

Thanks to all who tagged me (and who have had the utmost patience with my late response.) Please do go and check out their wonderful blogs - they are all fabulous!

Now to get to those blog awards...

Mar 19, 2010

Ostara Blessings

Although we saw the first promise of spring at Candlemas in the swelling buds, there were still nights of frost and darkness ahead. Now spring is manifest. Demeter is reunited with her daughter, Kore (the essence of spring), who has been in the Underworld for six months and the earth once again teems with life. The month of March contains holidays dedicated to all the great mother goddesses: Astarte, Isis, Aprhrodite, Cybele and the Virgin Mary.

The goddess shows herself in the blossoms, the leaves on the trees, the sprouting of the crops, the mating of birds, the birth of young animals. In the agricultural cycle, it is time for planting. We are assured that life will continue.

- Waverly Fitzgerald, Celebrating the Spring Equinox

I've had one lovely Spring surprise after another, these last few days. I saw new calves in the field outside of town. The lilac bushes in the yard have burst their buds, and are showing the beginnings of green leaves. And today, I wandered through my mom's garden, nibbling on new chives, and tasting sunshine and earth and glorious freshness.

I'm off to the garden centre tomorrow to buy some potting soil and some other goodies for Ostara and my new garden. We've been so fortunate with the sunshine this week, although the wind is still chilly. Winter doesn't quite completely release her hold just yet. But there is so much Spring to be seen and felt here in Southern British Columbia, it's hard to think that Winter has any more say in our weather now.

As for Ostara, I will be doing a quiet meditation tonight, and then a ritual outside first thing in the morning (hopefully without frost!)

I hope that however you celebrate, your Ostara is lovely and bright! Spring blessings to you!

Mar 16, 2010


The Bacchanalia was a religious festival in honor of the wine god Dionysus or, as the Romans called him, Bacchus. The bacchanalia were originally held in secret and only attended by women. (Although it was later thought that some men were admitted to the festival early on.) The festivals occurred on March 16 and March 17. Later, admission to the rites was extended to men, and celebrations took place five times a month.

Dionysus is the ancient Greek god of wine, the inspirer of ritual madness and ecstacy, and a major figure of Greek mythology. He was also known as Bacchus, the name adopted by the Romans and the frenzy he induces. In addition to winemaking, he is the patron deity of agriculture and the theatre. He was also known as the Liberator, freeing one from one's normal self, by madness, ecstasy or wine.

In 186 BC the Senate decreed that the Bacchanalia were prohibited throughout all Italy except in certain special cases which must be approved specifically by the Senate. In spite of the severe punishment inflicted on those found in violation of this decree, the Bacchanalia survived in Southern Italy long past the repression.

Livy (the Roman historian) says that the rapid spread of the cult, which he claims indulged in all kinds of crimes and political conspiracies at its nocturnal meetings, led to the decree to prohibit the festivals. Some modern scholars who view the period with 21st century eyes doubt Livy's account and argue that the Senate acted against the Bacchants for one of the following reasons:

- Women occupied leadership positions in the cult (contrary to the patriarchical Roman values of the time).
- Slaves and the poor were the cult's members and were planning to overthrow the Roman government.

Although Bacchanalia doesn't get it's day or two on the calendar, I think it's a wonderful option to celebrate in lieu of St. Patrick's Day. I just can't drink green beer. But wine and revelry - absolutely. I'm not really up for the orgies and other debauchery that happenend in the 'good old days' but I think I can find enough to keep me suitably distracted!

Whatever you celebrate - Bacchanalia or St. Paddy's Day - do enjoy, and be safe!

(Information taken from and

Mar 14, 2010


I heard someone say recently that if things are hard for you, it's an indication that the Universe thinks that you are doing really well, and is adding a few things to your load, because it thinks you can handle it. Sometimes I think the Universe overestimates my abilities!

It's been a crazy week, and I'm just finding time to breathe, although I seem to have lost an hour of that too, to "daylight savings." At any rate, I'm looking forward to a more focused and productive week coming up, and all that wonderful New Moon energy stirring.

The website is coming along and will be up and running April 1st. My bookwork is....getting close to being done. The sun is shining, and I'm enjoying a nice tall Diet Coke with a spot of lime, and some skull ice cubes - just for fun. Even after a week of struggles, I am feeling rather confident today.

I'm also feeling a bit "witchy" - which is fun. I rarely go through my day without pausing on spirituality in some way or another, but it's been a while since I felt like dancing under the moonlight, or mixing some ingredients in the old cauldron. I think I'm going to stir up something good for tomorrow night's New Moon.

What I will leave you with, is this: even at my lowest, the past week, I have rested solidly on the fact that I know who I am. I know what I believe. Even if situations shake that foundation - it's still solid. Instead of regretting what has passed, or not gone well, I will rejoice. Because I know that the future is very bright. Regardless of how much the Universe throws at me, or thinks I can handle.

How's that for optimism?

Mar 9, 2010

A Few Reasons To Smile

Just wanted to share a few things that have put a smile on my face today:

First of all - YOU! If you haven't read each others comments from the last post - please do. You are all so bloody insightful! I really enjoyed reading everyone's ideas about perception and planning for the worst vs expecting the worst, and so on. I am basking in your brilliance!

Next - this tea makes my heart sing. tummy actually. I'm not sure if you can get it all year where you are, but I buy it in bulk when it comes out in the Fall around here. It's perfect for an after dinner tea - especially if you've had a few too many bites of spicy Italian sausage!

What is out right now, at every grocery store and flower shop is pots of min-daffodils. I've been buying these sweet things like crazy. I love the smell and the sunny yellow makes my day.

I'm usually listening to really upbeat music while at work to keep me awake while bookkeeping. but the last few days I've had Michael Buble's new album "Crazy Love" on, and it's just wonderful. (And I didn't fall asleep once!)

And lastly, all this talk of Ostara/Spring Equinox I'm hearing has got me hopping! I am so ready for Spring! I helped my mother plant her peas this weekend, and I'm trying to get my brother moving to help me build garden boxes in the back yard. I'm also trying to decide what I'm going to do to observe the Sabbat this year.

I hope the Spring energy is heading your way, and you are finding plenty of reasons to smile!

Mar 7, 2010


Oh no! What's that? A black panther? A Jaguar?

Oh. Just Dexter.

Like my girl Daisy here, I sometimes tend to be blinded by "worst case scenarios." Do you do this - think about the worst way a situation might work out, and then just hope/pray/beg it doesn't end up that bad?

I dated a guy once, who's motto was "expect the worst, but hope for the best."

I don't think I like "expecting the worst."

I used to get a lot of flack as a kid for being "a dreamer" or "starry eyed." I always saw the good in people and situations first. Sure, I got slammed a time or two, but I was a pretty optimistic kid regardless. Somewhere along the way though, I lost that. And I'm trying to find it again.

I want to think the best about people first. I want to be optimistic going into situations, insteading of merely hoping nothing goes wrong. I want to expect the best, and then perhaps (like a good little girl guide/scout) "be prepared" with a few emergency items in case things go bad.

I'd like to get that child-like optimism back. To joyfully go out into the world, expecting the best the world has to offer. It just seems like a better way to live.

Mar 5, 2010

Celebrating - Sans Schmirnoff

Thanks for all the advice and comments on the last post. In summary, I have learned: get a tripod. Don't drink Schmirnoff Ice, eat hot wings, and photograph the moon. Good tips!

On a less-tipsy, but just as happy note, I have drawn the names for the card giveaway!

The winner of the Path of the Soul Oracle Deck is: Ellie from The Forgotten Muse!

The winner of the Halloween Tarot Deck is: Inannasstar from Ramblings of a Domestic Goddess!

Congrats to both of you! Please email me your mailing address and I'll pop those in the mail to you on Monday!

Thanks to all who left comments on the post. Our online shop is due to open April 1st, and I have plans to have another giveaway at that time to celebrate. I'll let you all know the moment it happens!

Mar 1, 2010

Seeing Double or Triple...or....

This photo is supposed to be the same moon as the picture on my post titled: "Good Energy Afoot." It was taken the same evening - just several hours later. The problem was not the copious amount of hot wings and Schmirnoff Ice I had imbibed. Really. The problem was my new camera, which has plenty of lovely settings for taking night photos, and none that actually work.

I tried all the settings. "Night Landscape." "Night Portrait." "Fireworks." Nothing worked. I may need a lesson on night photography.

Still - the photos turned out kind of surreal and mysterious. It wasn't a total loss. Just not enough of a success to try to get pics of the full moon the last two nights. Hope you were all able to get a good look, because I can't help you here - sorry!